Monday, September 21, 2009

A day at the U of U!

We rode tracks (1st time) to Children's Museum at U of U. Tracks little scary, but had a fun day!!
My boys wondering where their mother has taken them...with all the freaks on tracks! LOL!!
Kimi, Beckham, and Koda on tracks
We met The Sterling's there. They were to cool to ride tracks!! LOL!!
Brody so sleepy!
Real or fake??
Breaden and Koda

Caden playing in the sand!
Kimi took us all to The Pie where she always went to eat when she went to college. They have yummy food!! We found Brody's name on the wall. We thought that was cool!!

1 comment:

Korey and Brandi said...

Korey and I met at the pie!! 1:00 in the morning!! funny huh so we always go back for some yummy pizza and memories!!:)

Welcome Home Brody!!