Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009

More Presents!!

Grandma just can't wait til Christmas either!!
Nice Cheek Chillers!! LOL!!

Caden counting his loot!!

Brody's 1st Christmas Present!! The bow was stuck but Good!! OPPS! My BAD!!

Alexis, Grandma Cindy, Caden & Koda!!

Christmas Fun!!

Koda helping me make cookies. Until he had a bright idea...

Pouring the whole bottle of sprinkles in his mouth! What a dork!!

I'm just to excited for Christmas!! I let the kids start opening presents 4 days early!!

Caden loves Oreos!! So Koda and I found some football Oreos. Koda wrapped them up & Caden thought that was so cool, cause hes a freak about football!!

Welcome Home Brody!!