Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy TURKEY Day!!

Some of Our Thanksgiving Pics at Grandpa Rick and Grandma Cindy's House!!

Caden Checking the Turkey to see if its done!!

Uncle Kenny and Brody!!

Who's Bigger??

Me and Caden Making a wish!! Caden's the winner!!

Me and Koda making a wish!! Koda's the winner!!

Trent eating his good ole hashbrowns!!

Alexis, Caden, and Koda Grubing!!
Me and my 3 awesome boys!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

My Favorite Pics of My Sweet Lil' Buckaroos!!

Caden, Koda, holding Brody at Wheeler Farm

How Freakin' Precious!!

What a Couple of Cowpokes!!

Koda Lovin' his Brother Brody!!

Our Sweet Baby Brody Chillin' in a Basket!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

O' Brody's 1st bottle!!!

Brody and Trent did very well with the 1st bottle.
Brody loved it, but Brody loves to suck on ANYTHING!!

Happy Hallowennie!!

Donkey (Caden), Pussy (Koda), and Dronkey (Brody)

How Freakin' CUTE!!!

Brody's baby pumkin!!

Koda, and Caden's awesome pumkins!!

Carvin' Pumkins!! What FUN!!

Caden striking a pose!!

Koda what a cheese ball!!

Pumpkin Patch!!

Grandma and Koda loadin' it up!!

Koda had a blast he thought is was pretty cool to help
load up the wagon cart. He had to make sure he got a
big one for Caden cause he was at school. That's what
happens when you have school ALL DAY LONG!! It sucks!!
Me, Koda, and Brody

Trick or Treat Street!!

Me, Brody, Alexis, Caden, and Koda

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Boys October school projects!!

Caden's candy corn project! How freakin' cute!!
Koda's Big Green Monster!! How scary is that!!

Brody's 1st Dr. Appointment

Brody at his 2 week check up. He's back up to his
birth weight 8lb. 6oz., grew 1/2 inch, and doing
very well. He doesn't like to be naked that's for sure!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Our trip to Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving Point!!

Caden, Alexis, and Koda

Koda, Caden, Me, Brody, and Alexis chillin' in
a giant rocking chair.

Koda, Caden, and Alexis

Koda, Caden, and Alexis

Me, and Brody

Welcome Home Brody!!