Monday, September 21, 2009

FINALLY!! I'm caugth up on blogging! YEAH! The State Fair

We went to the rodeo at the fair and Koda entered the Muttin Buston. They chose 14 out of 52 entries and Koda was 1 that got to ride!! Yeah for Koda!! He did awesome!

He got his 1st ouchy, from riding!

This is what happens when you have a tied little guy, and there is nothing but people and dirt...A little dirt's never hurt nobody!! LOL!!
He loved it!!!

Labor Day at Grandpa Dirk's at Flaming Gorge

A swing grandpa made in the rafters in his garage. The things that amuse children! LOL!

Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Pt.

So, you know me, I'm all about a deal...2 dollar Tuesdays! No, joke...everyone and there dog was there for the same deal! Still had a fun time, but not sure it was worth the deal!!
Beckham, Hayden, Hallie, Kelsie, Koda, Breaden, Caden, and Brody! GEEZ!!

Look at all these kids!!

1st day of 2nd and Kindergarten

WOW! Can't believe how time flys...I have 7 year old... dang!!
They both love their teachers and are doing very well!!
My big kindergarten!

Our Weekend at Cherry Hill

Way fun weekend! The Sterling's and Bayles' invited us to go and camp out at Cherry Hill. Loved it!!
Me and Brody
Russ, Beckham, and Brody
Caden golfing

Brody wearing Hayden's head band! LOL!

The big boys looked like they had a funner time then the kids!!

The Deer Hunt!!

One of our family's favorite time of year!! The deer hunt... no phones ringing, no T.V., no worries, but lots of dirt, and junk to eat! LOL!!
Caden feeding the squirrels peanuts
Koda gathering wood
Grandpa Rick, riding the kids 4-wheeler
My little sleepy boys!!
Brody's 1st hunting wound!! He fell on a screw on the window in grandma's trailer!!
Brody grubbing on corn on the cob!
Caden, Koda and Cole eating dinner!

A day at the U of U!

We rode tracks (1st time) to Children's Museum at U of U. Tracks little scary, but had a fun day!!
My boys wondering where their mother has taken them...with all the freaks on tracks! LOL!!
Kimi, Beckham, and Koda on tracks
We met The Sterling's there. They were to cool to ride tracks!! LOL!!
Brody so sleepy!
Real or fake??
Breaden and Koda

Caden playing in the sand!
Kimi took us all to The Pie where she always went to eat when she went to college. They have yummy food!! We found Brody's name on the wall. We thought that was cool!!

Welcome Home Brody!!